Picture from Pinterest - unknown source - a beatiful example for us.
In 2018 my son and I picked up the idea building an Ilur. This is a small 'classic' sail and oar dingy of 4.44 m long. It is designed by the French 'Architecte Naval' François Vivier. Since we never have built a boat before this type of boat seemed not to difficult to build and it would just fit in our shed. We love the classic look of it, especially with the Breton Misainier rig. We bought building plan number 135 and started building in the spirit of 'Pippi Longstocking' -
"I have never done it before, so I think I can do it".
On this site, we would like to share our experiences with other builders or other people that might be interested and show our joy in woodworking.
Vincent and Esger van der Post
contact: vanderpostv@gmail.com

Our "Aries"

You want to see our next home made boat? An Auklet.
Look at: https://houten-bootjes-bouwen.jouwweb.nl/